Dear researchers,

I hope you can assist me or direct me to some literature with answers.

I have conducted an EFA on 22 variables which revealed 4 factors. I have used the results of the EFA to create a CFA. Unfortunately, I now realize that there is a single factor where all the factor loadings are negative. This might have something to do with the factors correlating to some extent because when using Varimax rotation all 4 factors have positive factor loadings? The highest inter-factor correlation is .5 (which I have been able to reduce by leaving out a few items). I have reversed all items (from negative to positive) before analysis, so I do not understand why one of the factors contain negative factor loadings on all four items. It seems like I can fix the issue simply by using Varimax rotation but I have learned from Andy Field (2018) that Direct Oblimin is the most accurate method on social and psychological constructs that are believed to correlate in reality to some extent.

So my question is: are the negative factor loadings on one factor problematic? Should I use orthogonal rotation instead when encountering this issue?

Thank you.

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