Dear Researcher, I was waiting eagerly for someone to ask this question to me. So, first of all, thank you for asking this question.
Now I am coming to an answer for you.
I stay in a satellite town of Kolkata. Its called Salt Lake City. This is a planned city. During the lock down there was impact of it on the weather of the city. But we were unable to notice that. We understood this by observing the flora and fauna around us.
Every morning, I go to my roof and feed pigeons. Usually, 50-60 of them visit me. During the lock down human activities were less. So the humidity level was lesser than it is in other years. This resulted in visits of about 100 pigeons to me every morning.
Summer is terrible in this part of the world with temperatures ranging from 35 - 41 degrees celsius. This year there were no human movements. So even temperature was less. It was around 33 degrees celsius. I have six rose plants in my roof. With the onset of summer they stop flowering. This year they flowered till June. They usually shed their leaves by the last week of April. This year they have not shed their leaves till now.
Another problem in this city is the problem of dust. This is lower Ganga plains. It is easily the densest part of the planet in terms of population. So there is a lot of dust that flows in this region. The aridity also contributes to it. This year, due to the lock down, human movements were restricted. So there were not much dust flowing. People suffering from chronic asthma were feeling better.
To sum up, the weather as a whole was much better during lock down. Nature was happy. The flora and fauna around us were smiling. I also felt that this was one of the greatest positives of this lock down.
When covid-19 limits activities, a lot of chain effects will occur. First of all, the reduction of people's travel frequency will lead to the reduction of automobile exhaust emissions. Secondly, many factories shut down to reduce waste water and waste gas emissions. Third, some wood related manufacturing industries will also reduce work, so that deforestation will be reduced and the environment will be protected. Many activities are a chain effect, which can directly or indirectly affect the regional weather parameters.
Since the beginning of containment the air quality in my region has improved significantly. This is due to reduced traffic and therefore less pollution.