I've never tried to analyse it myself, but there are 2 isotopes (185Re and 187Re), Ionization energy is 755kJ/mol which isn't too high.
You question may be answered better if you provide some information on what you are trying to observe it in, as geological material may be much harder to breakdown than if dissolved in groundwater for example. Chemistry of the extraction process may alter the recovery of Re and other rare earth elements (which aren't all that rare, just hard to extract under traditional methods).
Re appears to be present in biological tissues at less than 1 part per billion, so you might be needing to develop some purification methods to increase concentrations to analyse these with any precision.
One issue could be the volatility of some of the Re-compounds, especially the Fluorides. If your samples and standards have different F/Re concentration ratios, the sensitivity may differ. Even worse when you use some sort of desolvating sample introduction (e.g. Apex or Aridus).