But as a simple reply, its very much possible to use Matlab for Android Mobile Development.
There are two options:
Use Matlab for creating mobile apps using Simulink Support Package for Android Devices. Refer to the following youtube tutorial for a sample android app created using Simulink without writing a single line of code.
Integrate your Matlab Algorithm with your iOS or Android App.The app can then be executed on the simulator or downloaded onto a physical device. This approach is feasible if you are developing and testing algorithms in MATLAB and want to integrate it with mobile application interface. https://www.mathworks.com/videos/matlab-to-iphone-and-android-made-easy-107779.html
Yes, but not totally without Java. Firstly, you need to produce a .jar file from your Matlab code by using https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-compiler-sdk.html
Then u can think about either
1. Running your Matlab .jar file on remote server and allowing your android application connect to it OR
2. Using https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-coder.html to convert your Matlab code into C code which you could directly run and compile on android.
Thank you very much for your response and in fact I am looking for an official course in any university in which they use Matlab for mobile programming instead of Java.
You can look at these 2 books that use smartphones as deployment for your MATLAB codes for both iOS and Android. They use the same technologies mentioned in the other answers such as MATLAB Coder, SImulink Mobile.
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