Here is the FAO Dependable Rain Method to computes MONTHLY effective rainfall
Pe = 0.8 P - 25 if P > 75 mm/month
Pe = 0.6 P - 10 if P < 75 mm/month
Where Pe is the monthly effective rainfall and P is the monthly rainfall
If I want to use the same formula to compute DAILY rather than Monthly Rainfall, can I do that?
DailyPe = 0.8 DailyP - 25 if daily P >2.5mm/day (or 75 mm/30 days)
DailyPe = 0.6 DailyP - 10 if daily P < 2.5mm/day (or 75mm/30 days)
Where DailyPe is the daily effective rainfall and DailyP is the daily rainfall.