Dear Colleagues,

I am starting this conversation out of curiosity, and to get a feeling on which direction research seems to be oriented to (covering different fields of engineering). For two submitted papers in the past, I got comments like this from reviewers:

1) the work is too scientific, the authors need to explain its relevance with reference to an application

2) rejection advice by the reviewer on the basis that the work is focused on a curiosity driven aspect of experimental results, but robustly executed.

Both happened for journals with a top impact factor, and well recognized in the field.

My concern and discussion point here is: are we still valueing curiosity-driven research? or does everything need to be related to an application? My stand on this is that researchers can have the freedom (something called academic freedom), to either undertake an application-driven research or a pure curiosity-driven research, provided that both lead to some valuable insights to the readers of the journal and the corresponding scientific community . Not always the curiosity driven research has an immediate application, especially if it is at an early stage. Hence, any connection to an application, becomes speculation and it is not appriopriate for a research paper. What is your take on this? did you experience similar comments? is curiosity-driven research still valued?

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