what do you mean by EMG pre-activation time?, one of the most popular EMG time parameters is the onset time. I am not sure if you mean this parameter or not. So, your question is not obviously enough about me.
The pre-activation time is the time before the onset. For example, while depth jumping the time before touching the ground contains muscle activation which called pre-activation.
As you know the onset time depends on the threshold that you determined, it is varied among muscles because the agonist muscles during flexion maybe antagonist during extension. And the muscle activity starts approximately with the initial movement, So if you don't mind I disagree with your term and your example "pre-activation" due this term maybe suitable before the movement. But you can study this phase "preparation phase" and examine the role of this phase on the performance that you want to study especially in your example or jumping performance in general. See this paper it maybe help you:
Morey-Klapsing, G., Arampatzis, A., & Bruggemann, G. P. (2004). Choosing EMG parameters: comparison of different onset determination algorithms and EMG integrals in a joint stability study. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 19(2), 196-201. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2003.10.010
Finally, you can determine any phase, split the EMG data, and processing by EMG software such as (Megawin, ProEMG, BioPro), or data analysis software such as (Mat-lab, Origin Pro, SigView)
I hope you more success.
Best regards,
Article Choosing EMG parameters: Comparison of different onset deter...