Use of renewable and sustainable systems in all stages of disaster management is essential. Please suggest any model of the management procedure to help design renewable systems for disaster management and mitigation.
Dear Dr. Sarkar, The use of a district utility core based upon waste stream reclamation and co-generation will enable the creation of a baseload power based renewable energy powered micro-grid. This core will provide utility services in isolation should natural disaster or transmission and distribution become compromised while being able to utilize the utility grid for back-up and or offtake of excess energy. The key is to have a core stakeholder or group of stakeholders able to justify the baseline utility loads. Expanding and extending the baseline system is relatively simple from there. Additional variable intermittent power resources such as solar and wind can be added to the mix as well to increase the renewable resource percentage without jeopardizing the core availability of baseload power on the microgrid during off grid conditions.
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