Could some one guide me for a list of pharmacological journals with a good impact factor and in the same time with no financial programs involved in their publication process?
Indian Journal of Pharmacology is a good option. Alongwith this many journals publish pharmacology work like Elsevier journals including Pharmacological Research, European Journal of Pharmacology, Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, EuJIM etc, Wiley includes Phytotherapy research, Journal of Natural Medicines, Chinese J INtegr Medicine, etc, T&F includes Natural Product Research and Asian J NAt Prod Res, JBAPN, Informa has Pharmaceutical BIology . All these are free. Some indian journals like Ind J Exp Biol, Ind J Trad Knowledge are also good and free.
Instead you should search on the journal homepages for their aims and scope and you can find the details of publication charges in the author instruction area.