Kenneth M Towe..thanks a lot for your kind reply ..but i want to say any regression equation for the calculate of greenhouse gas using soil organic carbon/labile organic carbon/C:N ratio?
I think you are concerned with GHG emissions from reservoirs and forest.In well established forest the net emission of GHGs may be limited .First you may generate data on CO2 emission from forest soil and then determine the organic carbon in the same soil.How much CO2 is utilized by forest trees in photosynthesis is also important to know the net contribution to GHGs.It is not desired to utilize equations developed for agricultural soils to forest soils.
A. Subba Rao...thank you sir, but i have the data of Soil organic carbon and nitrogen...if you will provide me any regression equation (Soc with ghg) of the same eco-region in india or abroad then i can estimated the GHG emission .....
I have not worked in forest ecosystem and i have not come across any regression equations connecting organic carbon or carbon pools with CO2 emission.You can yourself generate data of CO2 emission or collect data from different sources and calculate regression equation but generating data yourself is better.