Corporate Social Responsibility has become an indispensable part of many companies worldwide. Companies are proud to share their success stories to create an image of being eco-friendly. Employees love working for responsible companies. Whereas customers show high preference and loyalty toward brands that are actively engaged in CSR activities. All these points are true in markets where people are aware of CSR and have a positive attitude towards it. Nevertheless, in developing countries such as Uzbekistan, the perception of CSR might be distorted. As companies hide any CSR activities done because they fear to be imposed more CSR activities will be imposed. Customers doubt companies’ good intentions to do good to society and perceive the main aim to be earning more money. Whereas the Government does not stimulate CSR adoption yet as there is no CSR policy. Moreover, the prevailing religion in the country- Islam suggests “to perform socially responsible activities just for the sake of Allah and to believe in Allah for reward rather than look for any monetary, economic or strategic benefits in response to welfare activities”. The current context raises curiosity in studying perceptions of CSR in-depth and whether knowledge of CSR has a direct correlation to a positive attitude or not.

What are your thoughts on this? Is this context unique to Uzbekistan only?

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