11 November 2018 5 6K Report

My question refers to the fundamental problem of enzyme kinetics. I am working on a hydrolase which is specific for (lets say) substrate "A". I perform a real time kinetic assay to determine the Km, kat and Vmax for the given reaction. Hydrolysis of "A" gets completed within 30 min at given substrate (10 mM) and enzyme (10 nM) concentration. Then I an investigating the hydrolase activity of enzyme with analogues of "A". Some analogues (lets say) "B", "C" and "D" are showing positive activity. But in order to achieve the reaction (within instrument's detection limit) I increased the enzyme concentration by 100x at the same substrate (10 mM) concentration. "B" gets 80% converted into product in 60 min at same reaction condition. While "C" showed the 40% conversion in 4 hrs and "D" 20% in 6 hrs. I can say that my enzyme is active for those substrates but my question is how to calculate the kinetic parameters for those substrates. Does reporting the relative activity suffice and if yes how do I report? Is plotting MM kinetics is okay for such incomplete reactions? Or just reporting yes/no is suffice?

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