There are some infection detection/preventive apps that collect your location data from cell phone, so that it can inform you if have been in near proximity of a person that is infected
We are collecting data via surveys on mobile phones for several state governments using Redirected Inbound Call Sampling (RICS). Results provide information that can be used to address the COVID-19 pandemic that is not captured through other surveillance or data collection activities. Topics include which behaviors state residents are doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including handwashing, social distancing, and wearing a cloth face mask. What COVID-19 topics are addressed?
What are the sociodemographic characteristics of our respondents and how do they compare to state population estimates?
How are residents staying informed about COVID-19?
What is the level of concern over the coronavirus across population subgroups?
Are there differences in behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19 across population subgroups?
Are there differences in contact tracing preferences across population subgroups?
Are there differences in vaccination preferences across population subgroups?