Has anyone calculated the degree to which we could enhance the exhaust of transcontinental jets to encourage better cloud formation or the degree to which we could use them to initiate stratospheric cloud nucleation?

I understand that with the right ice nuclei, we could increase heterogeneous nucleation of cirrus --thus reduced optical thickness for outgoing infrared radiation ---thus increase radiative losses. Additionally, with appropriate launching, we could introduce atmospheric sulfides to enhance stratospheric cloud development --which decrease the amount of incoming radiation.

Since transcontinental flight number is known and the albedo for contrails is known, how much could we increase the heat loss using method A and how much could we reduce incoming radiation using method B?

Only References I know on this:

Mitchell, D. L.; Finnegan, W. (2009). "Modification of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming". Environmental Research Letters 4 (4): 045102.

Robock, A.; Marquardt, A.; Kravitz, B.; Stenchikov, G. (2009). "Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineering". Geophysical Research Letters 36 (19): L19703.

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