Recent works point to the hypothesis that global climate change will lead to the decline of cloud forests due to persistent cloudiness occurring only at higher altitudes; therefore, precluding the presence of hight levels of humidity, horizontal precipitation, and increased solar radiation. Some ongoing experiments consist in installing barriers blocking the passing of clouds in a tract of forest and monitoring the effects of such barriers in the forest behind them. On the other hand, the main cause of decline of cloud forests is deforestation for land change uses which could be a faster process than the potential effects of climate change. So, at least at local scale, destruction of cloud forest could have an effect on climatic conditions, increasing the impact of the effects of climate change. For example, what could happen with the persistence of cloudiness, temperature, and effect of winds if we suppress the cloud forest from a given place?. It will the desaparition of the forests affect the patterns of cloudiness, maybe by effects of the wind not having a forest barrier, increased temperatures, or changes in evapotranspiration? I would like to discuss this topic, putting aside, if possible, the other negative impacts of deforestation.