Sounds interesting.
Do you mean as in Chaos (e.g. Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick) and Fractals (e.g. Nature's Chaos by Eliot Porter, James Gleick: )?
The Porter book, for me, really demonstrated a very significant 'bigger picture', how a given pattern is repeated at microscopic and macroscopic levels. I'd describe is as a holographic effects: the whole in every part, 'as above so below'.
As a Reiki Master:Teacher I also see this same reflection between levels and/or between facets of something in relationships and feelings. In the holistic health field we explain is as an interconnection between all things. And it's not just a theory. In Reiki healing (and other meditational modes) we can FEEL this interconnection: the pattern is an aspect of the whole fabric of life . . . and to feel a part of it is a wonderful, healing, experience . . .
Is that the sort of thing you're interested in? If so, I'm happy to collaborate!