I can surely list down the challenges associated with biogas production in India based on Small, Medium and Large Scale Biogas Plant. Let us list down based on different countries how these challenges are categorized based on their impact?
Since 1980 we develop and realize biogas plants worldwide. We found and overcome several challenges such as (1) varying ambient temperatures down to -10°C requiring insulation aside from heating and heat recovery from the digestate, (2) winter shutdown and restart in late summer such as for sugar refineries and wineries, (3) largely seasonally varying feedstocks such as in vegetable processing industries requiring enhanced adaptation of the micro-population, (4) inhibitive organic chemicals in food and beverages industries and in pharmaceutical and chemical industries, ...
Bruno Peeters Perfectly explained in 4 points and yes there are many more to be listed to the above and am sure other experts might add their views soon..stay connected for more answers which we can discuss collectively as well