I first searched for the Russian name of Uljanin, W. N. (Ульянин, Василий Николаевич). Then, in the Russian Wikipedia, I looked for the list of his works. The first, without date, was "Ресничные черви (Turbellaria) Черного моря", published in the Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Russian Naturalists celebrated in Moscow in 1869 (Труды Второго Съезда русских естествоиспытателей в Москве, происходившего с 20-го по 30-е августа 1869 года).
Finally, I searched for those Proceedings in the Russian National Library, where I found this article on Turbellaria, probably the one you are looking for:
The Russian paper has 96 pages, as in the reference in German given by David in his question. Furthermore, in the Russian paper appear the descriptions of the new genera cited in the link of David.
Thus, the major problem to find the paper is that the title is usually given in German, while the paper is all in the Russian language, including the name of the author!