According to differences between APA and MLA writing styles:
1) An APA-formatted paper consists of four parts: title page, abstract, main body and references. The abstract is a single, double-spaced paragraph. The MLA-formatted paper does not have a separate title page or an abstract and has two major parts: the body of the paper and a works cited page.
2) MLA and APA papers have slightly different methods for in-text citations as MLA follows the author-page format and APA follows the author-date format. An APA-formatted paper includes the author's last name and year of publication in parenthesis after the cited text. An MLA-formatted paper includes the author's last name and page number in parenthesis after the text.
3) APA-formatted papers use page headers at the top of every page, including the title page. Page numbers are flush right and the title of the paper is flush left. The title page includes the title, author's name, and institutional affiliation. An MLA formatted paper includes the title on the first page, separating the title from the essay only by a double space. MLA uses a header on the left side of the first page that includes author name, instructor name, course and date.