Dear All,
Ontology is an interesting issue. I have tried to investigate it for the extended dual-aspect monism (eDAM). From Section 3.15.1 of (Vimal, 2016):
As per ('t Hooft, 2015), “Quantum mechanics [QM] is looked upon as a tool, not as a theory. Examples are displayed of models that are classical in essence, but can be analysed by the use of quantum techniques, and we argue that even the Standard Model, together with gravitational interactions, might be viewed as a quantum mechanical approach to analyse a system that could be classical at its core” [p1]. I tend to agree with him. Therefore, the superposition of dual-aspect ontological (real) states as basis states in Hilbert space, as a tool, can be used from micro-level (such as elementary particles) to macro-level (such as neural level) whenever uncertainties and probabilities/possibilities/potentialities are involved as in the co-evolution since Big Bang (BB) and the co-development and co-tuning with the environment since birth of a baby. These uncertainties are resolved when stimulus-dependent feed forward (FF) signals interact/match with cognitive feedback (FF) signals. The resultant signals then interact with self-related signals for the selection of specific state for a specific subjective experience (SE, such as redness) out of many states related to many SEs embedded/stored in related NN. The self, which is the mental aspect of a state of self-related NN, experiences this specific SE from the 1pp. A dual-aspect ontological state represents a ‘real’ state in the real world and follows the commutative classical logic, whereas the superposition involves uncertainty as in QM and follows the non-commutative quantum logic. For example, an ontological state has the 1pp-mental aspect (such as SE, redness) and its inseparable 3pp-physical aspect (such as redness-related neural network and its activities). “When two observables O1 and O2 do not commute, they cannot both be measured accurately. [p29 …] Since angular momenta are non commutative, they cannot be quite ontological, but their ‘classical parts’ must be [p196]” ('t Hooft, 2015).]
For further details, kindly look at Section 3.15 of (Vimal, 2016).
Kind regards,
't Hooft, G. (2015). The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.
Vimal, R. L. P. (2016). A dual-aspect framework for consciousness: Dvi-Pakṣa Advaita. Vision Research Institute: Living Vision and Consciousness Research [Available: ] This is updated version of the original 2014 article:[DOI:], 8(4), 1-271.