The question is probably much too broad. Are you thinking of specific countries? Particular philosophical questions? Philosophy of what? There are philosophies of science, philosophies of language, philosophies of religion, philosophies of ethics, theories of knowledge, philosophies of aesthetics, etc. I'm generally suspect when the question is set up as "yes or no" rather than a full range of possibilities.
Hendrika, this question is reported to that polemic between Salazar Bondy (he says that there is no any genuine latin american philosophy) and Leopold Zea (says that there is an original philosophy)!
According to Salazar Bondy (1925-1974), the Spanish-American philosophy consisted throughout its history, as a product without originality or authenticity, as an imitation of other philosophical opinions and theories (European), arising in a different historical context. On the other hand, to Leopoldo Zea Aguilar (1912-2004), philosophy must constitute itself as an instrument of liberation and move away from the Eurocentric view of human history and reason, anticipating in many decades, postmodern and post- colonialists criticism.
I think that In formal terms, Bondy is right, but it is no less true that Zea takes the originality of Latin American philosophy as 'consciousness of domination' and consequent overcoming!
There is an article that touches some points of this question and may agree with Salazar Bondy, but, on the other hand, it marks an interesting innovation about the Spanish thought of the Renaissance: the literature or, to be more precise, some kind of thinking which enacts fiction and philosophic problems:
On early Latin American thought I would say that there is some social and political thinking that I would not call philosophy with some innovative meaning. Figures like Bartolomé de Las Casas (16th Century) and Father Antonio Vieira (17th Century) are aligned with the theory expressed by the Second Scholastic movement in Spain (Salamanca) and in Portugal (Coimbra and Évora, with the jesuits), but this does not mean that they did not face metropolitan or colonial domination in their time, particularly in regard to natives' rights.
The Political Philosophy in Colonial America is quite rich, as Silvio Zavala points in his La Filosofía Política en la Conquista de América:
"La doctrina política que hemos estudiado desempeña una función importante en la historia colonial de América, no sólo en calidad de parte del legado de cultura que llega con los descubridores, sino también como instrumento que sirve al propósito de unir a los dos mundos sin desdoro de la justicia" (México: FCE, 1993, p. 144). I shall agree with him.
Article Littérature et philosophie à la Renaissance : le statut de l...
Obrigado pelo seu contributo, realidade o meu horizonte nuclear é o séc.XX, mas claro que existem vertentes da 'dominação' que vão muito mais além (a fil. política colonial dos sécs. anteriores,face aos nativos)!
Obrigado pelo espaço aberto pela sua pergunta, Carlos. Meu horizonte de pesquisas vai até o início do século XVIII, neste sentido espero ter contribuído para a discussão dos períodos posteriores. Alguns comentadores do século XX que tenho consultado, como o supracitado Silvio Zavala e Mauricio Beuchot, apresentam reflexões profundamente ligadas à problemática da dominação colonial e ao pensamento que circulava na época.
Fico contente com este nosso espaço de discussão numa área que não é muito conhecida,em Portugal! Na verdade,existe um grande desconhecimento acerca das figuras filosóficas da América latina e das suas produções culturais. É muito bom que a Europa e a América partilhem este ideário cultural comum!
Carlos, if you have an account (if not, you can sign up for free), look for Daniel G. Campos:
He is a Costa Rican philosopher who teaches at Brooklyn College (CUNY), and has some papers about Latin American philosophy. One of them is in Portuguese, as he has travelled extensively in Brazil.
Hello Edgar! Thank you for your valuable information. In fact I also was interested in Costa Rican philosophical productions, because so far only know the overall work of Franz Hinkelammert!