I have to determine the diversity between samples, in terms of population structure, of a harpacticoid copepod. How can I obtain a statistical reflection of the diverse structure during the year?
thank you very much! I was doubtful on Shannon because of the intraspecificity of the case, but I guess that considering the life stage as a specie, would fit anyway? Am I right?
Thats an excellent question Guido. I followed here just to see if any of the colleagues could help on this too. By definition the Brillouin diversity index would better fit for the intraespecifc case but in practice few ecologists used because Brillouin index is less familiar than the Shannon index.
Yes, you may use the life stage (size group) as a species. I made so: Shadrin N.V., Lezhnev I.V. Changes of Mytilus galloprovincialis population under impact of a discharge of sewage. In book: Bioenergetics of hydrobionts. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1990. – P. 78-83.(in Russian)