Stern-Gerlach experiment is often seen as idealization of measurement. Using strong magnetic field, it makes magnetic dipoles (of e.g. atoms) align in parallel or anti-parallel way. Additionally, gradient of magnetic field bends trajectories depending on this choice.
Magnetic dipoles in magnetic field undergo e.g. Larmor precession ( ) due to τ=μ×B torque, unless μ×B=0 what means parallel or anti-parallel alignment.
Precession means magnetic dipole becomes kind of antenna, should radiate this additional kinetic energy. Thanks to duality between electric and magnetic field ( ), we can use the attached formula for precessing electric dipole, e.g. from .
Using which I get power like 10^−3W, suggesting radiation of atomic scale energies (∼10^−18J) in e.g. femtoseconds (to μ×B=0 parallel or anti-parallel).
So can we see spin alignment in Stern-Gerlach as a result of EM radiation of precessing magnetic dipole?
Beside photons, can we interpret other spin measurement experiments this way?