In recent years, I have been told time and time again that a scheme of work must indicate how equality and diversity (E&D) will be addressed during delivery. However, no one is able to explain why this is a requirement. 

The Ofsted handbook indicates ‘evidence of planning’ (Paragraph 79) and in the handbook for inspectors it states that ”inspectors must not advocate a particular method of planning, teaching or assessment..” and that they do not require individual lesson plans or schemes of work (paragraph 28). However, in the common inspection framework overview, it states the school “promotes equality of opportunity and takes positive steps to prevent any form of discrimination (paragraph 15). Is this the argument for integrating E&D in the scheme of work and lesson plan?

I am aware of the ’Public Sector Equality Duty’ requirements of the Equality Act (2010) which places planning responsibilities on the school, but it not clear if this means a scheme of work. However, in the 2011 update “it removed the requirement for schools to have equality policies, schemes and/or action plans.” Also, there are “Equality objectives” which are ‘SMART’ targets created by the school to help address specific issues or concerns.

Any suggestions would be great

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