I am working on these plants from Cameroon Pharmacopeia; they are not yet been identified and no voucher number exist in the national herbarium of Cameroon.
I know it is very difficult to answer using only these two photos. However, we can say that one species is highly likely to be attributable to genus Galium, while the other one could be attributable a genus Sonchus or Rumex. The low consistency of the leaves do not make me think of genus Beta. I could give you more detailed information if you send me other pictures with morphological details of the flowers (for both species) and fruits (only likely Galium). I would also like to know the habitat in which you have observed both plants. I am available for identify the species if you send me a sample of specimens (exsiccata) or, alternatively, a high resolution scanning of both samples. Please, if you choose to send a specimens, this is the address:
To my attention (Doct. Enrico Vito Perrino) - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, via Ceglie 9, 70010 Valenzano (Bari) - Italy
First picture: are the stems quadrangular and the leaves fragrant? I find it similar to a thyme ... but of course I might be wrong only based on this photo!
The identification through photographs can help you more quickly, but it would be better that the plants were collected when they are fertile and sent for definitive identification of herbarium your region.
The Rumex species seems to be Rumex abyssinicus which is recorded from Cameroon - see http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/bd/cjb/africa/details.php?id=115900 . With Rumex sagittatus it has in common the hastate shape of leaves, as both belong to Rumex subgen. Acetosa. However, R. sagittatus is only recorded for southern Africa - see http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/bd/cjb/africa/details.php?id=115891 Please compare also some scanned herbarium specimens from Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris: http://sonneratphoto.mnhn.fr/2012/06/22/1/P05042840.jpg and http://sonneratphoto.mnhn.fr/2012/06/22/1/P05042833.jpg
Anyway, this has nothing to do with Rumex obtusifolius which belongs to subgen. Rumex and has totally different leaves.