Can a Strike (conducted in peaceful manner )by emergency service providers causing wide spread impact and disturbance in the functioning of the society is declared as a Manmade disaster?
‘Disaster’ is defined as a crisis situation causing wide spread damage which far exceeds our ability to recover. So any event which is termed as disaster, has to suffocate our ability to recover. Only then it can be called as ‘disaster’ while strike is a collective, organized, cessation or slowdown of work by employees, to force acceptance of their demands by the employer. In most jurisdictions require that to be legal a strike must be approved by the majority of the employees , a notice of the impending strike must be given to the employer a certain number of days in advance and similar other.also the strike is does not meets the four phase required for a disaster management 1. Response phase 2. Recovery/ Rehabilitation phase 3. Risk Reduction/ Mitigation phase 4. Preparedness phase
So in my opinion a strike can not be termed as manmade disaster.
I agree with most of what Kundan offered but disagree with his opinion. The truth is that organized labor can create a disaster as witnessed in the USA in 1981 with the air traffic controllers strike. If the federal government had not intervened it would have brought air transportation in the USA to a halt and would have created huge economic impacts. Here is a reference: