I have checked some of the tools which are provided by some Indian universities but found some short stoppers
http://nlp.amrita.edu:8080/NLP4U/download.html , the links are broken and cannot access any of their NLP tools, i did try to contact the university.
http://au-kbc.org/nlp/corpusrelease.html , needs to approve your request to download it, unfortunately I wasnt still able to get in.
https://tdil-dc.in/index.php?option=com_download&task=showresourceDetails&toolid=356&lang=en , all their tools require a linux-based system and their downloads not working.
So far i've narrowed it down to two tools that i think, it may work
http://ltrc.iiit.ac.in/showfile.php?filename=downloads/shallow_parser.php, this seems like a good option, but there are no instructions on how to work with it. Has anyone tried this before?
https://github.com/datquocnguyen/RDRPOSTagger, provides only Universal POS annotation for Tamil
Are there any other resources that anyone would recommend me to look into? Or any resources to learn how to train a tagger with a POS tagged corpus would also be highly appreciated.
Thank you for all your help!