In my recent research, i am working on power transfer using various light source. So mainly i am looking for which is the best source as well as which wavelength range is the best to get maximum output.
To achieve high efficiency in solar cell, the cell should have large absorption cross section for electron hole generation. For example, c-Si solar cells (with Eg = 1.12 eV) have an indirect bandgap, due to which the cell has high spectral response in the region of 700 to 1000 nm. The majority of the solar incident photons are in visible region. On the other hand, direct band gap solar cells like CdS/CdTe, operates well from 500 nm to about 850-900 nm. High energy photons (300-500 nm) and photons in NIR region (more then 950 nm) not contribute to electron hole generation process.
On which solar cell you are working and can you share the spectral response of solar cell (if you have) ??
The maximum efficiency (optically) will be obtained with a laser tuned to the peak response wavelength. You could get well over 60%. But in the real world, refer to the other respondents' answers!
I agree absolutly with Rupesh, but remember, as already said, that Si is of an indirect Eg! As for the light source I think it will be uitable to choose a VCSEL quantum well laser.
I just started my project so i didn't finalize any solar cell but from my searching i found out that the Ga-Ar with various other material based solar cell would be great and the response band is 790nm-840nm on LASER.
The maximum efficiency (optically) will be obtained with a laser tuned to the peak response wavelength. You could get well over 60%. But in the real world, refer to the other respondents' answers!
How big is your solar cell? Ga-As cells are good but expensive! Si cells operated at their optimum wavelength can also be much more efficient than the 20% or so you get in sunlight.
The higher the efficiency of the generation of solar cells increase by increasing the intensity of light to make it vertically on the one hand, and on the other hand need a technology to focus light so as to increase the number of electrons moving between the layers of solar cells..
Are you actually proposing to transmit significant amounts of power optically? You're not discussing a solar panel of some sort? So you generate light, transmit it to some receiver a long way away using light, then reconvert it into electricity? I strongly advise you to think of a different project! For a start you will be lucky to get 30-40% overall power transfer. Secondly and very importantly, electricity remains (generally) confined to the conductors it flows through. Light DOES NOT and can flow happily through free space if the transmission medium fails. I really don't think you would want kilowatts and certainly not megawatts of laser energy shining out of a broken fibre cable. Far, far too dangerous.
You need to reformulate the question as an optimization problem. Here you traget solar cells for single frequency or narrow band radiation. I think you search for the solar cell that has the highest efficeincy for certain optical wavelength. At first you have to define the wavelength or the wavelengths of the light source. My opinion is that you can use pervoskites. They will give you the highest efficiency at a single wavelength. Such materials have high quantum efficiency.
In my opinion first you have to measure the spectral response of your cells; the range of wavelengths associated to the higher quantum efficiency is the most appropriate range for your cell where its performance will be optimal because of the increase of Jsc. in the case of c-Si the range associated to a Jsc max is between 600 nm and 900 nm. If you change the material this range also changes. After the determination of this range which contributes effectively in the generation of Jsc you pass to the choice of a light source rich in wavelengths in this range. Generally, in photovoltaics, Xenon and halogen lamps are used. Good luck!
Tony Maine Thank you for the answers. Yes, i am planning to use Ga-As PV because it's best for the power transfer application. The risk and the efficiency are the main problems in this project but we are searching on it to solve these problems.