First of all you should tell some thing about the environment of these species. Are they from marine, brackish water, or freshwater environment? Moreover you have to take SEM from inner side of the carapaces too. On the bases of the provided photographs, the first one is Candona sp. and the last one is most likely Ilyocypris bradyi, needs to see the inner features too. The other two species, as Alaettin comments, are looking to limnocytheresp., but need to be confirmed about their environment.
Now, i would say fig.53 and fig.18 can be named as Ilyocypris bradyi. Species-level determinations of the genus Ilyocypris is complicated. However if you compare fig 53. with Mazzini et al. (2014), p. 399, fig. 2c, you will notice that form (in fig. 53) is belonged to Ilyocypris bradyi.