Hi everyone

I have attached two image. one is before simulation and another is during simulation. Can anyone tell me why my oxygen particle is not contributing on the simulation?

# -------------- Initialize Simulation ------------

echo both

units metal # set 'metal' units (Angstrom,ps timescale)

dimension 3

boundary p p p # periodic BCs

atom_style charge

neighbor 1.0 bin

neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes # neighbor command modifies potential's natural cutoff_needed?

# ----------------------- ATOM DEFINITION ----------------------------

read_data Fe_Fe3O4_center.lmp

write_dump all atom sinusoid_4.lammpstrj

# --------------- Creat Atoms / Geometry -----------------------

mass 1 55.847

mass 2 15.999

region rPKA sphere 52.127 52.127 104.255 .1 # Create spherical region 'rpka' at x, y, x with radius

# ------------------Define Interatomic Potential -----------------

pair_style eam/fs # Finnis-Sinclair EAM Potential from NIST

pair_coeff * * Fe_2.eam.fs Fe Fe # Applies Fe coefficients to all atom pairs # Fe-Fe

pair_style morse 2.5

pair_coeff 1 2 0.3 2.0 2.5 # Fe-O

pair_style buck 2.5

pair_coeff 2 2 22764.3 0.1490 20.4 7.4 # O-O

pair_style coul/dsf 0.15 15

pair_coeff * *

# Groups

region rallatoms block INF INF INF INF INF INF # define region of entire domain

region rinterior block 2 102.255 2 102.255 2 INF # define inner box region used for simulation domain

region rexterior block 2 102.255 2 102.255 2 INF side out # define thermostat region outside of simulation domain

group interior region rinterior # define group called 'interior' comprised of region 'rinterior'

group exterior region rexterior

group PKA region rPKA

# --------------Initialization----------------

compute 1 all temp

compute 2 interior coord/atom cutoff 2.2

compute 3 interior ke/atom

velocity all create 1200.0 34986 # initialize atom velocites to temperature, seed random num generator

fix 1 all nve # specifiy constant NVE interation to update position andn velocity for atoms in ther group each timestep

fix 2 exterior temp/rescale 1 100.0 100.0 0.5 1.0 region rexterior # set atoms in exterior group temperature to 100k by rescalling velocities.

fix 3 interior temp/rescale 1 100.0 100.0 0.5 1.0 region rinterior # set atoms in interior group temperature to 100k by rescalling velocities.

timestep 0.001

thermo 100 # compute & Print thermodynamics info every 100 steps

thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press # 'custom' specifies what thermo info is printed

run 1000 # run the equilibration phase

unfix 3 # remove the rescaling fix from the interior

run 1000 # continue to equilibrate

# set PKA velocities to correspond to ~ 10keV - 2620.549 Ang/ps

velocity PKA set 109.5108 301.1547 -2600.8815 units box

# set timestep to smaller value for initial phase of collision (.01 fs for .2 ps)

timestep 0.00001

thermo 100

dump 1 interior custom 100 test_init_col.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

dump 2 PKA custom 100 PKA_traj_init_col.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

run 2000 # run the collisional phase for .2 ps

# run intermediate phase with intermediate timestep (.1 fs for 1 ps)

timestep 0.0001

undump 1

undump 2

dump 3 interior custom 100 test_inter_evolve.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

dump 4 PKA custom 100 PKA_traj_inter_evolve.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

run 1000 # run the collisional phase for .1 ps

# run intermediate phase with intermediate timestep (.1 fs for 1 ps)

timestep 0.0001

undump 3 # close the previous dumps

undump 4

timestep 0.001

dump 5 interior custom 100 test_final_evolve.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

dump 6 PKA custom 100 PKA_traj_final_evolve.dump type x y z c_3 c_2

run 1000 # run the collisional phase for .1 ps

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