Hello. the Pennes equation describing the bio heat transfer is giving:
ρ c ∂T/∂t = k ∆T - cb w (T - Ta) + Qm
whereρ, c and k are the density (kg/m3), specific heat (J/kg.K) and the thermal conductivity (W/m.k) of the tissue, respectively. T is the local tissue temperature (K). Ta is the arterial blood temperature (K). ρ and cb are the density and specific heat of the blood. The perfusion rate is represented by ω (l/s). Qm is the metabolic heat production per volume (W/m3). Thank you.
If you concern with ∂T/∂t , maybe this differential equation could be estimated by subtraction and division approach.. Something like (T[n] - T[n-1]) / (t[n] - t[n-1]) .. Hopefully it helps
I think the best and probably the easiest way is to use first order finite difference (FD) rectangular mesh to numerically solve your partial differential equation. This method converts the PDE into a set of algebraic equations of the form: A. v = I and v = Inv(A).I . This way you get the potential at each node of the grid or mesh. Remember that computers and FPGA only deal with algebraic equations!
Other methods include the finite element method (FE) with a triangular mesh that can provide a good and efficient way to include the material properties as well.
Thank you So much for your suggestions. I think, as Mr Magdy mentioned , the easiest way is the FDM method. But I want compare booth methods FDM and the FEM. Sincerely