Coldenia procumbens L., of Boraginaceae, commonly grows during summer months in the dry ponds, paddy fields etc. It is used in Indian system of medicine.
from a picture alone it's tricky - especially without generative parts like flowers: I would say it might be Tribulus terrestris (Zygophylaceae) or a Polygonaceae, e.g. Polygonum plebeium.
Coldenia procumbens L., of Boraginaceae, commonly grows during summer months in the dry ponds, paddy fields etc. It is used in Indian system of medicine.
This plant is identifying - Coldenia procumbens. All the fellow correct identification.It is very important medicinal plant and fresh leaves are ground and applied to rheumatic swelling.
Coldenia procumbens Linn. of Boraginaceae family is the right answer. This plant species is common in the Bundelkhand region of the Uttar Pradesh state of India.