AbduRazzak called this as Incertae sedis. From Wadi Musawa section, Jabal Ja'alan area,S E Oman.Middle Eocene.T hreev iews of sames pecimenx, 65.

Descyiption: External: Test cone shape with circular to slightly convex base. There are 14-18 triangular chambers arranged alternatively and divided by thick sutures orsepta.T he aperturei s roundeda nd surroundedb y a thick lip locateda t the top of the cone.

Axial section: Small sized glassy tube-like narrowing towards the top and infilled

with calcite. Periphery round slightly lobate. Sutures are straight. Aperture rounded raiseda nd su, rroundedw ith two lips.

Equatorial section: Rounded plate-like shape, divided into four triangular chambers.Periphery rounded with a thick margin.

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