I have digested 400 mg of my sample, which theoretically contains 10% zinc, in 50 ml of 5% nitric acid. After analysis using ICP-AES, the amount detected was 1.121 mg/L of Zn.
How can I calculate the actual concentration of Zn in the actual sample?
If, after dissolving the test portion of the metal, the solution still had an initial volume of 50 mL, and this is not certain, then there was 0.014% zinc in the metal sample. You had to use a volumetric flask, e.g. 100 mL, we would know exactly what the volume of the sample solution was.
If the zinc content in this sample was 10% m/m, the zinc concentration measurement result should be approximately 800 mg/L. Such zinc concentrations should be measured using the ICP-AES technique not directly in this solution, but after e.g. 100-fold dilution.