I'm trying to use support vector machine (on Matlab) for a data driven blackbox-system identification. The problem is the format of the data. Then, for every sample of the data, the input is a vector (time Serie) and the Output as well. Both have the same length.

I'm not trying to predict any value in the future (so plz dont mix it up with one-step ahead prediction etc ...). Let's say that I have 10 samples that I created from the 10 expremients I've done. Every experiment (sample) is characterized through a different Input/Output Vectors (Values) :

Experiment 1 : Input1 = [0 3 15 25 40 100 ... 0] and Output1 = [0 24.2 33 44 ... 0]. of length L = n

Experiment 2 : Input2 = [0 4 16 45 60 110 ... 0] and Output1 = [0 13.2 14 47 ... 0]. of length L = n (same length = const)

until Experiment 10 : Input10 = [0 2 11 24 55 101 ... 0] and Output10 = [0 12.2 31 47 ... 0]. of length L = n.

Now that I've done this 10 times (so I have 10 samples for the same system ) I would like to know how can I use my data for training a SVM (Regression). Since for every Sample my output is not only a value but a Vector. I cannot append the time sequences together, since that would cause a discontinuity in the sequence.

I'm using Matlab so I downloaded both toolboxes : LibSVM and also LS-SVM. ! I uploaded a picture here that describes the process I'm trying to explain ! Thank you :)

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