The groundbreaking scientific discovery or invention addressed in this article is the BITS or Binary digiTS used in electronics and computers. They can also be referred to as the base-2 number system of mathematics and use only two symbols … one and zero. In electronic devices, a pulse of electric current can represent the symbol 1 while the absence of an electric pulse would be a 0. The impact on humanity of 1’s and 0’s is certainly not limited to the present. I wish to explore a few possibilities for their influence on the future. When these come to pass, we’ll live in a world so amazing that many people in 2023 may not think it could actually exist.


Adapting Einstein’s 1919 paper “Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?”, photons and gravitons could interact via what I call Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry * (their interaction produces pressure known as mass). This pressure includes the mass of the bosons associated with the strong and weak nuclear forces, as well as that of the Higgs boson. The Higgs field would not be independent of gravity after all but would be related to it by the photon-graviton (electromagnetic-gravitational) interaction. Let’s speculate that gravitational and electromagnetic waves composing objects are, like the things on a computer screen, ultimately made up of electronics’ BITS (the Binary digiTS of 1 and 0). ** When combined with the knowledge that digital waves comprise all living as well as nonliving matter, online shopping and deliveries by everybody from the post office to pizza suppliers will be radically transformed. Customers with a com-pri (computer possessing the necessary software, attached to a 3D printer) will be able to order anything from packages to supermarket goodies and immediately download them into the fridge or living room. I guess we could turn on the TV and decide to rename our com-pri after Star Trek’s replicator. ^



* A vector is a quantity which possesses both magnitude and direction. Two such quantities acting on a point (represented by the red Scalar Higgs boson) may be represented by two adjoining sides of a parallelogram (e.g. CD and AD), so that the resultant diagonal (green line) also represents the vectors.

** Some well known scientists – John Wheeler, Erik Verlinde, Max Tegmark, Edward Fredkin - suggest that information is fundamental to the physics of the universe, and that computer-generated/mathematical formulas create reality.

^ A so-called “imaginary” computer would enhance your com-pri/replicator, and infinitely boost the ability to perform scientific calculations. An "imaginary" computer uses the Complex Number Plane's vertical axis of imaginary time.* It can perform calculations at the familiar rate of time's passing while the horizontal axis of "real" time sees absolutely no elapsed time (the possibility of no time passing in the normal sense is hinted at by Special Relativity's time dilation or slowing of time). Referring to imaginary computers, space-time is warped and the computer's processing is performed in imaginary time (possibly for trillions of years) - but space-time is warped again so the results can be retrieved in real time where no time at all has elapsed.

* At the start of the 20th century, physicist Max Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. Albert Einstein postulated that Planck's quanta were real physical particles (what we now call photons), not just a mathematical fiction (for years, Planck thought of his discovery as nothing more than a math device … a kind of trickery). From there, Einstein developed his explanation of the photoelectric effect (when quanta or photons of light shine on certain metals, electrons are released and can form an electric current). So it appears entirely possible that another supposed mathematical trickery (imaginary time and the y-axis) will find practical application in the future.


And we may not have to buy, or rent, our com-pri/replicator. The world might have outgrown its obsession with money (in any form – cash, credit cards, digital currency, etc.) and wealth by then, replacing these with more altruistic ambitions arising from the knowledge that everybody is invisibly connected with everyone and everything else, like different objects and events in a computer video or like the various frequencies of light in the electromagnetic spectrum. Anybody’s experiences directly affect everybody. This presently undetectable connection means it’s in the best interest of every person to treat others as they wish to be treated themself.

This radical step seems to be possible because the human instinct to survive is much greater than other drives such as self-interest and greed. If money ceases to be an option, people will freely share and cooperate if that’s the only way to not merely ensure survival, but to actually improve everyone’s standard of life. The invisible connection between everyone is totally undetectable in this time but it seems to be real and permanent. The linkage affects not just every part of space (including on Earth) but also every part of time, since physics says space and time can never be separated. The consciousness of living beings is thus permanently connected to every point in the past and future: giving them a conscious existence that continues after death and, bizarrely, before conception.

Bernard Beitman, a visiting psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences professor at the University of Virginia, (says there is) an invisible network that connects everyone and everything. There’s no evidence for this, but he’s not the first one to pursue this fringe line of thinking. Austrian biologist Paul Kammerer believed coincidences arise out of unknown forces, or waves, that he called seriality. He wrote a book on the subject in 1919. Albert Einstein even commented on it, saying it was “by no means absurd.” And in the 1950s, psychiatrist Carl Jung came up with a similar idea, his so-called synchronicity theory.


As a result of this invisible connection, you and I are the same person in many ways. When people realize that hurting others in any manner is the same as hurting yourself, the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated yourself) will spring to life and World Peace will be inevitable. Realization of our invisible/permanent interconnectedness would also be of great assistance in achieving post-economic sharing and cooperation. Just because money has been making the world go around for thousands of years does not mean money must remain the way of the world forever. Idealistic and naïve as it appears, the future way of the world could be based on sharing and cooperation.


These ideas could form the basis of a revolutionary hypothesis of Quantum Gravity – physics’ anticipated unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravity. No, they couldn’t! Theories demand equations, which are based on one plus one equaling two. 1+1=2 is an obvious impossibility in a unified universe where all things are entangled and there can only ever be One.

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