Autism includes many behaviors that can not be explained by a social phobia alone, and is generally classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are marked by many behaviors that can't be explained by social phobia alone. That being said, there can be an overlap of symptoms between autism and social phobia. I recommend the following paper that addresses this question. Tyson, K. E., & Cruess, D. G. (2012). Differentiating high-functioning autism and social phobia. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 42, 1477-1490.
I don't care whoever said & wrote what. I need solid proof. Unless proved scientifically & written clearly in medical textbooks the underlying detailed proven mechanisms & etiology ! Of course I may claim my view as a senior doctor ! Also note, what I said "IT MAY WELL BE".
Autism is a Neurodevelopmental disorder and the clinical features with diagnostic criteria are given in the DSM 5 classificatory system. There are several books and Journals on this disorder that are available on Pubmed which is an internationally accepted indexing site.
If some influential doctors in mainly in US-UK write as AUTISM is neurodevelopmental without any evidence at all and put this as DSM-5 list etc do I have to believe this ? Is medicine a religion ? I ask you which chromosome which gene ? In which cells or tissues you can show me any lesion even with any diagnostic medical device, XR, USG, CT, MRI, PET, Electron microscopy, pathology, biopsy, autopsy ? Is there any lesion at anywhere !?