Greetings of the day,

Dear, Kindly circulate this among your faculties.  

I have recently agreed to edit a book on “Climate Change and Resilient Food System: Issues, Challenges and Way forward” to be published by the Springer Publications.

In a growing crisis, complexity, and uncertainty, the food and nutritional security are threatened by many internal and external factors. These include ample processes of global climate change urbanization, the rapid growth of population, unexpected shocks, natural disasters, financial and political crises, etc. Resilience is conceptualized from a sustainable perspective, as surrounding the shocks and complexity of whole food systems, including, personal, social, political, economic factors operating at many scales. It presents the prospect to eliminate weaknesses and build resilience in the food system while dealing with future shocks through policy, institution, technology and capacity building interventions.

With this brief background, I would like to invite you to contribute a chapter to the book. You may select any one of the broad themes which I have listed below or your choice of the chapter also greatly appreciated but it should focus on the main theme of the book.

1. Trends in global agriculture development and food system

2. Household food and nutritional security

3. Climate change and food system

4. Indicators of Food system

5. Rural and urban food chain

6. Waste management and Value chain

7. Food crisis and future agriculture

8. Adaptation and mitigation strategies for sustainable food system

9. Interventions for resilient food system

Any other related themes may be added

My aim is to get the most significant researchers in this field to contribute to this book, and thus I would be delighted if you would consider writing the chapter on above said broad theme or related themes of the book. You are welcome to invite co-authors to contribute to your chapter.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I hope that you will agree to contribute to this book. Please confirm if you accept this invitation to contribute to the book by 10th August 2019. Please send me the title of the chapter, list of the contents which you will cover in the chapter and an abstract limited to 200 words.  If you are unable to contribute, please feel free to suggest alternative chapter authors.

Thank you

I look forward to hearing from you,

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