Dear colleagues,

German libraries, universities and the internet seem not to be able to provide following two Indian/Pakistani papers, both Bilqees et al., 2003 & 2005 (and Indian/Pakistani universities do not respond to mails):

Bilqees, F. M., Hadi, R., Khatoon, N., Muti-ur-Rahman, & Perveen, S. (2009).

Qadriana otolithi n.sp., (Hemuridae: Dinurinae Looss, 1907) from the fish Otolithus argenteus (Sciaenidae) of Karachi coast, Pakistan. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 6, 109-111.

Bilqees, F. M., Khatoon, N., & Hadi, R. (2005).

A new species of the genus Stromaturus Bilqees & Khatoon, 2003 from a fish, Otolithus argenteus of Karachi coast. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 8, 435-439.

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