Please see my work and tell me your thoughts about other questions.These are the questions I also want to ask.

1.In my works relying on concrete examples I have discovered thinking electrons.Are there any scientific works concerning the thinking electrons and what examples do they rely on?

2.Is there even one case known in quantum mechanics when one electron with intervals of many million years participates in the process of forming five different atoms and many times changes and restores its quantum number?

3.In my works I have shown that change of time makes tangible influence on the behaviour of electrons in forming different atoms.My electrons are very sensitive as regards change of time.Is the influence of time on the forming of atoms studied in quantum mechanics?I would like to have even one example.

4.In my studies I have demonstrated that all the three times - the past,the present and the future - exist simultaneously in my electrons and these electrons are the bearers of the information of all the three times (see the mechanisms of forming atoms of manganese,copper,zinc and ....)

5.In my works I have shown that by studying the past information fields of the quantum numbers and electrones it is possible to predict the future processes and I have given corresponding examples.Is there a scientific work in this direction in quantum mechanics?

6.I have discovered one of the universal laws of nature - the law of set attitude and using it studied the mechanisms of forming twenty different atoms which originated 14 billion years ago.I urge you to inform me if there is a scientific work in this direction in quantum mechanics and psychology.Is psychology of elementary particles studied on the basis of concrete examples?

7.I am interested in the opinion of paleologists:Is there a scientific work in which the connection between the electrons rotating on 4S2,5S2 and 6S2 orbitals and awesome qualities of bone is investigated?what will you say about the composition of bone:is it possible that a radioactive element or its isotope are discovered in it?

8.In my works a new quantum number occupies a special place.I expect that heated discussions will be held as regards this issue.There is one thing I am absolutely certain of:the existing four quantum numbers fail to give a perfect explanation to the behaviour of my electrons.Only the new quantum number enables us to explain formation of the abovementioned atoms.

I am very interested in having the opinions of the leading scientists on this issue.Thanks for your attention.

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