As name suggested its Wireless (have no wires) Sensors (have sensor(s)) Network (a network with specific topology). A WSN is a network of small wireless electronic nodes (electronics devices) which consists of different sensor(s). The purpose of a wireless sensor network is to collect data from these sensors from subject environment. One most popular topology of this network consists of three type of nodes such as: router, co-ordiantor and end device. There are many popular protocols and devices which perform WSN task one such very popular name is ZigBee Protocol with XBee Devices.
WSN is part of an IOT. Sensors need to be connected to an IOT platform via fixed line or 5G mobile network (for a mobile device, such as a car, or person using health sensors ). Of course not each and every sensor will be connected to the platform directly. It is quite natural to use a “local” concentration process, to filter out irrelevant data and correlate data from multiple sensors. That again can be done via some sort of LAN cabling in a bus style or wireless. here is where you go with WSN.
The Internet of Things in a broad sense is like a brain, it can both store the real world data (in database or cloud) and can monitor the real world parameters, make meaningful interpretation and even make decisions based on the sensed data. IoT is responsible for the data processing, manipulation and decision making.
In fact, one of the most important elements in the IoT paradigm is wireless sensor networks (WSN). The benefits of connecting both WSN and other IoT elements go beyond remote access, as heterogeneous information systems can be able to collaborate and provide common services. This integration is not mere speculation, but a fact supported by several international companies. Noteworthy examples are ‘A Smarter Planet’ , a strategy developed by IBM which considers sensors as fundamental pillars in intelligent water management systems and intelligent cities; and the CeNSE project by HP Labs, focused on the deployment of a worldwide sensor network in order to create a “central nervous system for the Earth”. At the same time, the technologies that will
enable the integration are being developed and tested.
Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Do We Need a Complete Integration?
IoT combines multiple technologies such as (RFID), wireless sensor networks (WSN), NFC ,… . In fact WSN is a subset of IoT. For information confidentiality point of view, the existing encryption technology that is used in WSNs can be extended and deployed in IoT. in the other hand, the security protocols that are used by WSN can be integrated as an essential parts of IoT security. it should be consider that the security issues, architectures ,.. are different in both IoT and WSN.
WSN and IOT are two different domains. WSN is a wireless sensor network where the sensors are used for a particular process. In IOT the WSN are interfaced to internet.