I have recently drawn interest in developing automatic methods for detecting malarial parasites from blood smear images. There are, in fact, a dozen of methods and algorithms available in literature. However, the implementation codes are not openly available for readers and curious people to experiment the proposed methods. Because I am newbie in this medical field, I just wanted to have some MATLAB codes (I am familiar in this platform) to quickly test the methods. In particular, I have read the paper entitled "MalariaCount: An image analysis-based program for the accurate determination of parasitemia" available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167701206001692. This paper proposes a method for parasitemia identification and the authors have implemented their method in a software called MalariaCount. I have unsuccessfully searched online to get these codes so I can experiment myself under different conditions. I am not sure if the software is copyrighted because because there are not enough information online, and my request from the authors has not provided any feedback. If anyone has a link to this software (MalariaCount) or even any other related software for detection of malarial parasites in infected blood smear sample images kindly share.

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