Is it being in a vicious cycle being a researcher in a developing country? I would like to know if there are others in similar situation as myself or if I happen to be an isolated case, which of course, will surprise me. I have two master degree and a PhD and work experience though not as an academic. There is no chance of obtaining a job in the University any time soon and absolutely no work in my field. The local government recognizes the importance of research and biotechnology as tools that could launch the economy of the country and yet limited funding are available for young researchers as myself. Funding currently made available has limiting conditions (like applicant need to have recently obtained their PhD, i.e., two years maximum, which automatically eliminate me) or applicant have to be affiliated to a university. So the university cannot recruit and yet funding are available to those only affiliated to the university, that sounds like a joke in itself!

International funding? I looked around and the limiting condition is publication. An applicant has to have a solid list of publication and they have to be recent. I have publication of course however I worked in a private research entity and whatever research that I carried out within that entity belonged to that entity. So what is really left? Any options any advice. Any platform for junior researchers for biotech start-up? Maybe what is left is entrepreneurial projects? If so where to find funds? Where to find collaborators?

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