Looking to form research interest group on the topic of language, literacy and identity among ESL, EFL, ELL. I hope to join or start a group so that we can share resources and discuss ideas.
thanks dear sherrie. i'm looking for an article which is not free full text. EFL Writter's social network: Impact on advanced academic literacy development. any other recommendation or related article would be appreciated.
Hi Moohebat, I found a reference to this article on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223806293_EFL_writers'_social_networks_Impact_on_advanced_academic_literacy_development
You could request the full-text from the author himself.
I also managed to find it on Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/213501869/Efl-Writers-Social-Networks
Hope this helps! :)
Article EFL writers' social networks: Impact on advanced academic li...
Language, Literacy & Identity Interest Group - Research Interest Group
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Step 1: Sign up for a Google Plus account
Step 2: Click on the link and request to join community
Step 3: Wait for confirmation email
If you prefer, you can send me a private message with your email address associated with your Google Plus account and I will add you to the Google community directly.
Hi Darshini, thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, I started this group quite some time back and haven't had the time to keep it going, so it's currently dormant.