You probably need to clarify your question. Do you mean a RCT for an intervention on some aspect of the relationship between migration and disaster? Also, if you mean the forced movement of people because of natural disaster, it wouldn't be "migration" but "displacement"
Thank you very much for your answers. Prof. Simandan and Prof. Bojorquez, I am curious about RCT or any natural experiment on migration as they are self selected. There are many studies on migration and remittance, which takes into consideration the flow of remittance after an external shock in the home country. As it is kind of time series analysis there is no need for a control group or treatment group based on migration status.
But when we consider about the migrant groups we need an unbiased control group.
So i was wondering if anyone is working on this field.
Actually i am working considering a natural policy as an experiment. So i was thinking if there is any works done in this field.
I'm not in the field of economics, but in public health research there's been very clever work using people in the country of origin who have a migrant relative as controls (e.g. DOI: 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.21) or comparing return migrants with non-migrants and migrants (DOI: 10.1007/s10903-012-9646-y ).
I'm still not sure if I'm getting what you mean quite clear, but hope this helps.