I hear that castalia and omnet ++ are also good. Can anyone suggest which would be the easiest to implement scheduling algorithms on and akyildiz papers? Some are also to do with taking the input as the frequency from the unlicensed spectrum.
Hi mate, which scheduling algorithms are you doing for? I want to do a GTS time slot scheduling algorithms, could you give me more information about your research? Many thanks!
As you know OMNet (http://www.omnetpp.org/) is not a network simulator. It is an environment to build your simulator. Therefore, if you are not familiar with Omnet++ I’m strongly suggesting reading about Omnetpp before starting working on existing projects that have been built using OMNet (such as Castalia). Try to start with “tic toc” tutorial (see OMNet tutorials) or at my blog here (http://omnetgroup.wordpress.com/).
Next, I know two master students working on WSN and both are using Castalia (http://castalia.npc.nicta.com.au/index.php). Castalia is an open-source simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks, it works under UNIX environment and has no graphical interface, but, based on my friends’ opinion the work there is not that difficult.
By the way, there is another project called MiXiM (http://mixim.sourceforge.net/). I think it is also dealing with WSN and you can work on it using Windows. Visit this link for more information.
During my thesis work, I needed to deal with ad hoc nodes so I worked on INET and INETMANET projects (https://github.com/inetmanet/inetmanet).
Thanks Mohammad. I have managed to do most of my job with ns2 itself. though I am unable to find how to detect the speed of the nodes during run time .
In my opinion OPNET is better. It is not an open source software, but as far as I know, they do offer special prices for universities. However to master OPNET, you should be comfortable in dealing with C++, OPNET API, and state automata theory.