I want to convert natural language specs into formal one through sbvr(Semantic of Business vocabulary and Rules). I want to evaluate my model using sbvr visual editor but i am able to find it online. can anyone help me on this?
You should look for Tomas Skersys and Lina Nemuraite research. Both of them are already in ResearchGate. They have developed some tools for SBVR/SE, the first of which is VeTIS plugin for a CASE called MagicDarw. It is able to transform SBVR/SE specifications in UML Class Diagrams and OCL constraints. Recently, they augmented their tool ( http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4912555 ).
There is also a plugin for Eclipse called SBeaVeR. A not so feature-rich but useful SBVR/SE editor ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/sbeaver/?source=recommended ).