You can check this : "Methods for the Estimation of Zooplankton Abundance" RICCARDO DE BERNARDI (1984)
The water samples are collect from natural environments such as sea, pond, river etc. The samples are collect from both surface and middle of the water column. The collected water samples are centrifuge at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes. After centrifuge, a little amount of sample is pipette out on a microscopic slide and kept in microscope. The cells are pipette out on a microscopic slide and observed under 40x magnifications through the light microscope. Then the organism is transfer in to the culture medium by using micro pipette.
Plankton sampling (both zooplankton and phytoplankton) can be obtained with the aid of a plaknton net. For the phytoplankton, the ideal net must have a 20 μm mesh; it may be a little larger for zooplankton, I've used even 60 μm mesh nets for it. In both cases you might throw and pull the net on the water source, or pour a water sample collected with a recipient, maybe a bucket, on the net. You can concentrate up to 200 liters of water sample in a 200 mL glass flask. You should proceed with the fixation of the sample, to which I recommend the FAA (50% ethanol, 10% formalin, 5% Acetic Acid). It is better than the pure formalin fixer, since a less amount of the fixer will be required. Remember to preserve the prepared samples in a dark place.