05 May 2016 2 1K Report

Recently I’m working on a link scheduling algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network, the topology example is shown as figure, it’s a converge cast communication pattern, nodes besides the root upload its data forward to sink.

The queue size(or cached data size) of the aggregators is somewhat large, since for the aggregator(nodes are not leaves in a tree topology), the data collected from its children is similar or have redundancy, and we may need repackage data to transfer along the way to the root(or sink), it’s possible we can have data compression or entropy reduction.

Now I need to some data compression method on the aggregator to reduce the transfer data size while ensure acceptable communication quality. Terms like ‘data fusion’, ‘data aggregation’ of wireless sensor network always lead to topic about routing, which is not I expected. Maybe I use improper terms.

Could any body give me some hint or advise?

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