Hi All, I am doing my masters research in impacts of BIM in FM. I am in need of professional's opinion on the impacts and future direction, ideally somebody using the process currently or have experience in implementing. If you could share your email for a quick questionnaire or a phone number for a chat, will be great. I will be grateful for any support and your time.
Research Project: “BIM enabled Facilities Management – Adding value through optimising the building performance (cost and energy) and delivering client/user satisfaction.”
The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness and challenges of BIM enabled FM in terms of optimised energy use, customer/client satisfaction and the added value to the business. Realistic assessment will lead to identify the gap in the research and to predict the future direction of BIM-FM integration. An online survey and a semi structured interviews will be conducted, and information collected will be made anonymous. The findings will be analysed and used in the research project and they will contribute to answer the research questions.